When the light around you lessens And your thoughts darken until Your body feels fear turn Cold as a stone inside, When you find yourself bereft Of any belief in yourself And all you unknowingly Leaned on has fallen, When one voice commands Your whole heart, And it is raven dark, Steady yourself and see That it is your own thinking That darkens your world. Search and you will find A diamond-thought of light, Know that you are not alone, And that this darkness has purpose; Gradually it will school your eyes, To find the one gift your life requires Hidden within this night-corner.
Invoke the learning Of every suffering You have suffered. Close your eyes. Gather all the kindling About your heart To create one spark. That is all you need To nourish the flame That will cleanse the dark Of its weight of festered fear. A new confidence will come alive To urge you towards higher ground Where your imagination Will learn to engage difficulty As its most rewarding threshold!